Allllright! How is everybody doing? I hope very well with school, health, kids and things.
This week was good. Lots of walking but lots of appointments! We also were blessed with a baptism which is one of the photos attached. We found M* Thursday a week and a half ago. The end of this week was Stake Conference. And we have a rule that a person has to attend the church 3 times to be baptized. So she attended Sunday the 7th. Then the President told us that if she attended the Stake Conference meetings, she could be baptized this weekend. We told her that and she said yes, let's do it; the sooner the better. So we taught her every day. She read, she prayed, and her testimony grew so fast, that Sunday she was able to be interviewed and then baptized. It was a great experience. She was baptized in two other religions but when she attended the first time Sunday she told us on our way to her home, "that was incredible, it was so complete, so full (of doctrine) and organized." So we explained how God's house (church) is a house of order and authority. And that's how he directed us to have the church. So that was pretty cool. That was just another testimony to me that yeah this is the Church of God. That everything about the church testifies of the truthfulness of it even down to how a Worldwide church is organized and run. It was pretty cool.
This picture is of me drinking chocolate milk from a bombilla. Which is not a drug or anything so don't worry. What it is is basically a metal straw with a filter at the end. It is for mate (mah Tay) which is an herbal drink that is very common, however, for missionaries we cannot drink mate. However, I bought the bombilla and use it as a metal straw. It's pretty cool.
This last picture is of peanut butter crunchy. The Argentinian type. It's pretty good. A little on the expensive side but I just cut back on other things.
This week I added a little bit to my testimony about patience and prayer. There have been times when I pray, I feel like I need the blessings, or the help or the answer NOW or I am going to blow up or something. But what I have come to know that, is the Lord knows exactly what we need and is willing to give us these things. But unlike us, he knows when we really need it. Sometimes we think we are at our wits end, we are spent, and there is nothing left, the Lord makes us wait just a little bit more, just to push ourselves a little more, strive a little bit more and then we receive what we need. Which, like Elder Bednar said (I think) that the blessing we receive is different from what we wanted but better than we expected because the Lord knew what we needed. So yeah, the Lord's time and in His way is what will really help us.
So keep praying a little bit more sincerely. Be a little bit more patient because the Lord knows what we really need.
This week we have a wedding! The 19th is the wedding of S* and A* and as you can imagine they are experiencing the trials! So pray for them! The week after that will be the baptism of S* too and he is excited but it's a fight! So pray for him.
Anyway that's about it. Thanks for the emails! I love you all!
Elder Moore