Monday, June 16, 2014


(As a preface, Kyle found out on Monday, June 16th that his niece, Elizabeth, was born 2 weeks early on Father's Day. A lot of Kyle's email was personal; very sweet and meant for the family so I've heavily edited it.)

Kyle and his companion wearing scarves given out on Father's Day (notice the little Argentina flags on them)

I am very very happy this day because when I opened my email I saw 20 EMAILS! Most (if not all) from my family! And what made me even more happy is that MY BROTHER IS A FATHE¨R AND MY SISTER IN LAW IS A MOTHER! THAT'S SO AWESOME! I am very very very happy. And everybody is healthy so that makes me even more happy.  I love the picture of taylor with his ¨Daddys Little Girl¨ thing for Elizabeth. What a great Father's Day. Which brings me to my next point. 

[Notes to Dad, Taylor, Tim, and about Grandfathers]

Which brings me to another subject: "Out of all the titles of glory or majesty that He could have chosen, He chose to be called Father." I love that quote about our Heavenly Father. In one title it contains more information about who He is and who we are more than in anything else. He is the only person who we can talk to anytime and anywhere in any condition and He will be happy to help. I am grateful for that opportunity that I have to preach that to people everyday, about our Heavenly Father. 

Which brings me to another subject. About the time the Elizabeth was born (more or less 20 minutes) I was in the circle for the confirmation of Bruno. An investigator, who, despite the fact that his family told him that he wasn't welcome to come to their home if he got baptized in the church, he knew it was right and he did it anyways. He is 72 years old and a great person.

Bruno's baptism day

Kyle is hand washing his clothes. He says not only is it cheaper, but he's convinced it gets his clothes more clean!

Potatoes and chicken for dinner!

A friend and fellow missionary from Seattle, Washington

Anyway that's about it. HAPPY FATHER'S DAY. Thank you to all! I love you all!

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