Monday, July 28, 2014


Alright family! 

This is going to be quick because today we are going to Tecnopolis! It's a special exhibit in our area that opened up this past week and it's all about science and technology. So basically it's an OMSI. But we are going in just a bit. I promise I will take a TON of pictures. :) 

Thank you for all the pictures you have all sent! They are truly wonderful. The neices are sure growing up fast! It's sad that I am not around to mess up the childhood! :) 

Something VERY interesting that happened this week was that Sunday we slept in for 2 hours! Our cellphone wasn't plugged in properly in the night time and so it died and the alarm never sounded. Our back up alarm was outside because we use it to see the temperature every morning. I was laying in bed (waiting for the alarm) and I looked up and saw more light than usual. (We basically sleep in a cave. It's awesome). Then I heard more cars outside than usual. So I got up went to the phone. It was dead so I went outside to see the temperature alarm and it said 8:20! I turned on the light and yelled at my companion as I was jumping in the shower. And he jumped up in bed, yelling VAMOOOOOOOS. (LET'S GOOOOOO). It was the fastest morning getting ready that we have ever experienced. We told the Zone Leaders and they were obviously stern with us but at the end they said, half laughing after hearing about our story in the morning, "Elders, we would be lying if we said that that hasn't happened to us. But just don't let it happen again." Haha. Deal. The whole day was thrown off a little bit but we changed our ways. :) Just goes to show you the importance of OBEDIENCE! 

Anyways. I love you all! 


Elder Moore

Kyle didn't mention what these pictures were from, but since we know he LOVES Oreos, one can only assume he managed to procure some, probably for a birthday treat!

Don't know what these are, but they sure look good!

Monday, July 21, 2014


Carrying around an egg (supposed to represent an investigator) during a zone meeting.

Hi Family! 

Everything is going good. A week full of WORK! We had divisions with the Zone Leaders and BOOM! Showed us a new way of work and teaching. We doubled our references from members this past week. And we increased our lessons by 50%. It was a great moment for learning, and very humbling. I learned a lot! 

Sunday was interesting. I put on the lunch calendar that it was my birthday and nobody signed up! Until a family surprised us with an invitation after Sacrament meeting. The second counselor was conducting sacrament and he announced before the meeting the it was my birthday that day. I was so embarrassed. 

Then after that we got invited to dinner to have some amazing milanesa and papas fritas (french fries). Then the family made bizconchuelo which is a weird form of cake. But it was good! With some Nesquik that I bought. 

We found 3 new investigators this week but they weren't able to come to church because Sunday was Dia Del Amigo, which is Friend Day. It's a BIG deal here. Everybody says in the street "Feliz dia del amigo!" Happy Friend Day! Which is great because everybody is happy! 

My companion and I are doing great. We get along well. 

A very interesting experience I had this week was that one day we talked with the neighbor of a member. The neighbor recently moved in from Nigeria. We started talking to them and they interrupted and said in broken Spanish. That they only speak English. My companion replied in a little English "Great, he speaks English too" and so I started to speak and we talked and then I started to introduce the gospel and my words kept running into Spanish. Every 5 or 6 words the word in Spanish would crash into my sentence. It was DIFFICULT. It was almost funny to the other because they could see that I was struggling. Well the Lord helped me and they accepted a pamphlet and we will follow up! But it was just very funny, to think that I have been teaching the gospel so much for the past 10 months, that I have forgotten how to do it in English! Which in a way is a good indicator. I will have to relearn English after my mission!

Anyways, this week should be good! I am very excited to go to infinity and beyond! 
I love you all! 
Happy Birthday Grandma! Happy Birthday Uncle Craig! Happy Birthday Dad! Happy Birthday Kerri! 

Elder Moore

"Conference call with the zone in the morning!"

 "A milkshake that my companion made Sunday morning. It was good!"

"A shoelace that fell to the ground in the shape of a turtle. It was cool. Not very important."

Tuesday, July 15, 2014



Alright family, ready for the news? 

I got a new companion! Elder C* from Honduras. 5 COMPANIONS. 5 COUNTRIES. Honduras. Colombia. Argentina. Spain. USA. What a great blessing! The Lord wants me to learn something! I hope I am figuring it out. 

Me and my new companion, Elder C*.

Elder B*, went to a different place to finish his mission. Elder C* came in his place. He and I actually already know each other. He was in my first zone in a neighboring area. He is awesome and we get along great! He also has the same time as Elder B* so he will be leaving in October. So Munro will probably be his last area. 

Anyways, this past week was good; some really cool things that I got to do this week. Something that happened for the which I am eternally grateful is that our shower head broke, so we called the missionary couple that is in charge of the pensions. They said that if I could fix it, do it, so that they don't have to send someone and pay them to do it. I looked at the shower head and realized that "yes, I can do that!" I felt like Sam from the movie, Holes. "I can fix that". So we went to an Argentina Home Depot. Bought the new shower head and tube, some teflon tape and got to work. Ended up being a success! I am very happy with the end result. No problems, a quick fix. Nothing major but I am happy that I had gained the knowledge from experience! Thanks, Dad. Attached are photos. :) 

Elder Moore, the handy man!

Then the other day the lights went out! So we went down to where the breaker box was. In Argentina (well, in this building) they don't use massive breakers with the switches. They use little fuses with metal. They are called Termicos in Spanish. I don't know what they are in English. My companion didn't know much and I only knew a little bit from what I saw our neighbor do with their Termicos one time. Turns out there is a filament inside. Much like a light bulb, that over time it burns out, so the electricity can't pass through. So what I did is shut off the electricity, removed the two termicos, found which one was the problem, retied the filament (turns out it just slid out of its place) replaced the caps that hold it there and put them back in and voila! Let there be light! It worked! It made me feel very grateful for the places that I have been and the experiences that I have had that are helping me already in the future. Although the candles in the dark reminded me of home alongside the wood burning stove, I still like the heat of the electric heater that we have. 

I am very happy to hear everything is going well! Sounds like a great summer is taking place! It's a great winter here! 

Today is a short p-day because we went to pick up and drop off old companions and then we have a zone meeting in the afternoon. But I added a ton of pictures! :) 

Enjoy. Love, 
Elder Moore


Empanadas de Jamon y Queso! (ham and cheese) 

They are like hot pockets but better.

This is a picture of an Asado! Which is basically a BBQ that a family put on for us. 

The big long brown weird looking thing is called Marcion. Which is the Blood Sausage. I didn't mind the blood sausage that much. It was...interesting. Tasted a lot like liquid cinnamon...if that makes sense.

The other picture isn't some chocolate cake or pastry but actually coagulated blood warmed to perfection. :)

This is the tie of my companion. I was burning off the fuzzies and it just erupted in flames and I threw it outside (it was raining). It was a really old tie, apparently made with all the flammable materials known to man. 

This is my birthday present to me. I bought a pillow! Because the one that the mission gave me was stuffed with that foam that fake plants have at the bottom. It was super thin. The new one is great. :) 

 [Happy Birthday to Elder Moore, who turned 19 years old on July 20th!]

Sunday, July 13, 2014

[I took all of Kyle's emails that contained information about the World Cup and put them in one post! Kyle has always LOVED soccer -- probably more playing it than watching it, so we know being in Argentina during the World Cup was exciting for him!]

Argentina preparing for the World Cup
Pre-World Cup
These are World Cup stickers that I am collecting. This is the only time where I will be in Argentina, on my mission DURING the world cup so this is why I am doing it. It's really fun. The members and investigators do it too so we can trade and everything. This is who I have in the American team. 

June 16th
The World Cup. The words alone have energy in them. La Copa Mundial. Oh man. The energy here is quite interesting. Things FREEZE in the streets depending on who is playing. You can imagine last night when Argentina played that there were tumbleweeds in the streets. Like an apocalypse happened and everybody died. It was...eerie... super quiet. Now, we are going to talk about what the missionaries do during the World Cup. We never received any information regarding what we could do or couldn't do (which means normal rules, which means, no soccer). Only that if at anytime we felt unsafe in an area, no matter how small or unimportant, we were to immediately leave and head to the apartments. And that we weren't supposed to spend time unnecessarily in the streets. The challenge that we faced was very difficult. If we went to an investigator, member, recent convert, or less active, they will be watching the game. We can't head back to the apartment early. We can't walk in the streets. So what do we do? So we stopped by a member's to pick up my white tie and he was watching the game (obviously) so we made the decision to sit and have a cup of mate cocido 10 or 15 minutes. Then we had an appointment with 2 recent converts and two future investigators and watched the ending minutes to the first half, then we left. And walked alone and quietly back to the apartments. Walking a little slow so we wouldn't enter the apartment really early. It was a difficult situation. I hope we either have permission to see it in the future. (I realize yesterday was Sunday so the president was put in a difficult decision) or that we are given permission to go home early because I have never seen a street or town so dead. Dead silent. Everything closed and everybody inside. So that's what we did. It's also difficult because a member told us this: "Soccer is the culture here. If you want to gain the respect of less actives, investigators, or persons in the street. You HAVE to have a knowledge about the world cup. It's our culture, missionaries should embrace the culture!" So imagine the difficulty...

However we heard the Argentina won so that's pretty cool (because people yell out their windows). Everybody is really excited. People have their flags out their windows. Cars have flags. People dressed in blue and white. Faces are painted. People driving with these trumpet things. It's pretty awesome. They are all really excited. All the members hyper analyze every game, every referee, every player and every call. It's awesome.

Kyle in his Argentina shirt.
June 23rd

Oh man. 2 to 2. That's awful. Now the points in our group are Germany 4, USA 4, Ghana 1 and Portugal 1. We play Germany next we have to WIN or TIE to be advance no matter what. I hope we tie because Germany and USA will advance together. However, if we lose...we have to PRAY that Ghana and Portugal tie so that are only awarded one point each. Then we can advance. Come on USA!!! Tim Howard! Beasly the BEAST! I keep in touch. The Argentina game was amazing. 0-0 until the 92 minute with Messi outside of the 18 yard box. Funny story. We arrived at a house the last 5 minutes of the game so we got to see the goal. It was INSANE. I was so excited. Our member sprinted outside in the street screaming GOOOOAL GOOAL GOAL GOAL GOAL. With all the neighbors. It was awesome. I mean, I was excited, but wow. They went insane. They yell and scream at the TV like they are directing it. I LOVE IT. Anyway. That was it. 

June 30th
World Cup minute. Alright. It has happened. The rule has been brought down. With certain games, we will receive a message saying "All missionaries will stay in the apartment during this time and another. When Argentina plays. For sure now. So tha'ts always exciting... and boring. But we can always keep track of the scores by the types of screams and if their are fireworks or not. Haha it's its own religion here. Again I love it. We did have the opportunity to see a part of the Mexico and Netherlands game. Wow. What a rob! I don't agree with that. But oh well. There is something more important that I do. :)

July 7th
It happened again! We had to stay in the apartment Saturday during the game. However TUESDAY we had a Mission Wide Activity. Where we had a devotional and then right after we watched the game against Switzerland. It was so intense! Way to go Argentina!

I heard about the United States. How sad. :( Also, Colombia. PLEASE GERMANY BEAT BRASIL! PLEASE. Argentina now plays against Holanda which will be a very hard game. And the good news is that we got PERMISSION to be in a members home to have another "cultural activity" and watch the game! Woot! I am so excited for this Wednesday. So if you all watch the game you will know exactly where I am too! :) 

July 15th (After Argentina lost to Germany in the final on July 13th)

Alright. WORLD CUP MINUTE. Yep, I know, I heard. Argentina 1-0 with only minutes to spare to go into penalty kicks. Sad, but that's life! There are things more imporntant. That day was super super boring. We were told to be in the pension from 4 o clock in the afternoon until the next day. I have never been so bored. After all the things that we could do, there was nothing more TO do. So we just sat and talked, and planned and read. For 6 hours.. woohoo... So that's that! 

Monday, July 7, 2014


Alright, I do not have much time to write  because we finish P-day earlier on this day. 

[Some stuff about the World Cup that I am putting in a separate World Cup post]

Anyway, this past week was good, a little frustrating because we had two investigators set for Sunday but they both fell through last minute. We had a car and a member drive us and everything. It's the worst when that happens. But yeah.

I am really sorry but we have to go! Chao! Photos and more next week! 

Elder Moore