Monday, August 17, 2015

San Cristobal, Week 92: The Dust Particle

Well hello family!

Before you all strart sending me individual emails asking me and everything. I will let you know that, I just called President, saying that next monday is my last PDAY. Tuesday is my last day of Proselyting and Wednesday I am in the President's home, and Wednesday afternoon I go straight to the airport in a bus. So that is that. 

Yesterday we did a service project in a museum. We painted white walls even more white. It was great. Apparently the missionaries do it every year. Without fail. When we finished we went to a place called ONCE. I don´t know if you all remember ONCE but its were they sell everything super cheap. Including jerseys. Well I went there with the plan of buying jerseys. Turns out about a year ago the governement started cracking down on fake jerseys and things and they went into this area and cleaned it up. Now its organized and everything and there are NO jerseys! So, to my dismay, I left without jerseys. But we shall see. 

The end of the mission is like someone vacuuming a room, and I am a dust particle. My whole mission I knew that I was going to be discovered at the end of 2 years and was going to get sucked up. And now near the end I can hear the motor and feel the vibrations and its getting closer and closer and there is nothing I can do about that. I am excited to be sucked up because its going to be different and I will be with other dust particles but I also am sad because I like my place here in the carpet. I love it here with the dust particles that still have time. The vacuum is just going to suck me up into the Presidents house, then the Airport, then the Stake Presidents office. its a weird thought. 

On that happy note. 
I had a great miracle. In this service project I say Elder K, a great friend. He told me that he did a baptismal interview with someone in Palermo (my very first area) and when talking about how he met the missionaries the man says, "the first Elders that taught me were Elder N and Elder Moore. Since then, I have been always thinking about the Church". Now, I don´t remember this man very well but it was an incredible miracle knowing that I had planted a seed and that even though I didn't baptize the person, I was still an instrument in the Lord´s hands. The saying comes to mind that you can count the seeds in an apple but you can´t count the apples in a seed. 

Second miracle is that a recently baptized investigator( he got baptized about 4 or 5 weeks ago) just got confirmed after not wanting to. It was a great experience and he is a lot happier. The Spirit exists! And is absolutely necessary! 

Anyways, please pray for me. I can´t die early. President made some jokes on the phone one of them was "You have till next Tuesday to work" then that night, I give you permission to freak out." What a great comforting comment. 

Anyways, I love you all. 
Thank you for the support. 

Elder Moore

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